Author: manualth

Fibromyalgia is a complex and often misunderstood disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and a host of other symptoms. It affects millions worldwide, presenting a significant challenge to those who live with it and the healthcare providers who treat it. What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a...

In an age where the quest for holistic wellness and non-invasive treatment methods is more pronounced than ever, neural manipulation emerges as a beacon of hope for many. This innovative approach, nestled within the broader spectrum of manual therapy, offers a nuanced way to address...

If you're intrigued by the latest advancements in pain management and holistic healing, you're not alone. At Manual Therapy Associates in Arvada, Colorado, we specialize in cutting-edge treatments that address a wide range of physical discomforts and health issues. Two particularly effective therapies we offer...

In recent years, pickleball has surged in popularity, becoming a favorite pastime in communities like Arvada. This sport, which combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, is lauded for its accessibility and social nature. However, with the rise in its popularity, there's a growing...

Back pain, a common ailment affecting a significant portion of the population, often presents a perplexing pattern of coming and going. This intermittent nature of back pain can be frustrating and confusing for sufferers. Understanding why back pain fluctuates can be crucial in managing it...

In Arvada, like many other Denver metro areas, car accidents are an unfortunate reality that can leave individuals grappling with physical and emotional trauma. One effective approach to rehabilitation in such scenarios is manual therapy, a cornerstone in the realm of physical rehabilitation. This form...

Manual physical therapy stands as a cornerstone in the realm of rehabilitative treatments, offering a hands-on approach to healing and wellness. This form of therapy, delivered by physical therapists with advanced training, involves the use of manual techniques to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions. But...

Weight loss is a complex journey involving various factors, from diet and exercise to mental well-being. Recently, the spotlight has turned to myofascial release, a technique often associated with physical therapy, as a potential aid in weight loss efforts. This blog delves into how myofascial...

Introduction: Back pain, a common ailment affecting a significant portion of the population, often leads individuals to seek various treatment methods. Among these, dry needling has emerged as a promising approach. This technique, though sometimes confused with acupuncture, stands distinct in its methodology and underlying philosophy. Understanding...

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