Many referring doctors know it. And patients we’ve treated know it. They’ve experienced our caring, knowledge, dedication and results first hand.
Doctors know that we go out of our way to work closely with them and their patients throughout therapy and rehabilitation. They also know that we educate patients so they fully understand their condition, how to improve it and how to prevent reinjury.
That’s why so many doctors send us their most complex cases, and so many patients come to us for second opinions.
You can trust that you are always in good hands at Manual Therapy Associates. The road to healing, recovery and good health is well within your reach.

- PT: BS: Physical Therapy: University Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School
Post graduate semester Manual Therapy: Thim Van der Laan University, Utrech, Netherlands.
Doctor of physical therapy: Regis University
Fellow of the American Association of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists: Regis University (FAAOMPT)
Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS), Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists
- Advanced Training/Teaching: She specializes in Manual Therapy and has decades of experience in treating neck and back pain as well as other conditions that have failed to respond to traditional therapies. She has advanced training in spinal mobilization/manipulation, John Barnes Myofascial Release (expert level), muscle energy techniques, neural tension mobilization, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation & the McKenzie method. Her expertise also includes traditional return to function/sport exercise, core stability, post-surgical recovery and strengthening for bone density and injury rehab.
Sandra grew up north of Chicago near lake Michigan. Following her degree in physical therapy, Dr. Sandra Do pursued an intensive 6 month post graduate manual therapy program at Thim Van der Laan University in Utrecht, Netherlands. The focus of this training was concentrated on the approach of the great Scandinavian manual therapists Freddy Kaltenborn and Olaf Evenjth. It also included additional specialty soft tissue training including manual lymphatic drainage.
She embarked on her career practicing in New Orleans Louisiana where she met her husband, Dr. Tien Do. Together they moved to Colorado to raise their family and start Manual Therapy Associates. Although Dr. Tien Do is no longer practicing as a physical therapist, he is still her partner in the practice and helps guide and support the clinic. Sandra loves being near the water and her favorite vacation spot is Puerto Vallarta Mexico! Sandra and Tien have 2 grown children and 2 Australian herding dogs.
My message to you: “The human body never ceases to amaze me. It is such a beautiful miraculous sight to behold. Every day in the clinic brings excitement and joy at the prospect of solving the mysteries of injury, pain and recovery. Fully integrating the whole person, body and mind with appreciation of where you are coming from and where you want to go! Thank you for the opportunity to help you on your journey to live your best life!” – Sandra Do
Member: American Physical Therapy Association, American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists
Lecturer & National Speaker: Dr. Do taught the Fascial Pelvis; with John Barnes Myofascial Release Seminars 1991-2000. She continues teaching for MFR seminars locally.
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Link to American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapist directory